Sunday, July 17, 2011


My life right now is a frenzied rush to be on schedule. Code delivery schedules. Plans. Demands. Ideas. I have to be on top of things constantly. And then there are other plans. Massive plans. As the enormity of marriage dawn upons me, I realize how ill equipped I am to multitask. There is work. Then there is my marriage. I just have a month to make the machine work. I am keeping my fingers crossed. As work keeps piling upon me with depressing regularity I start wondering about the priority of things in life. All this time it was fairly simple: Work--Party--Booze--Sleep--Work. But now the variables and constants have completely changed. I am not sure if I can handle so many things at the same time. But I have to try. The sense of responsibility that I have come to realize is acute. That someone's existance has become synonymous with mine is a mindblowing realization. And that there is a seal to it. The seal of marriage. That is unnerving and exhilarating at the same time. I feel I have finally arrived!! I am not sure if this sense of arrival is premature. But I do feel good. Very good! :)